- Autor: Izabela Degurska
- Director: Kiryakos Argiropulos
- Scenography: Svila Velichkova
- Music: Svetlin Petkov
- Release Date: 2011-02-02
- Actors: Alexandra Ilieva // Diyan Rusev // Ivaylo Enev // Nedelina Roselinova
There, what things might happen to you in the woods!
Incredible, frightful and … just as it happens in tales you could meet a big Dragon, a fearful Dark Knight, then an appalling Gnome and a wood half-Enchantress half-Fairy and a black bewitched Horse… and what else, aha, a tiny little Dragon, at last, who lives in a dark cave.
And the very fact is that this very little Dragon makes such a mess of things that you’ll beat your brains who is from where, what they are and where they’re going!
And as a matter of fact all this is happening because the little Dragon’s strongest wish is to grow up fast, really fast and at once!